Monday, June 12, 2006

All the things I missed last weekend

Don't get me wrong -- I'm not complaining. But it seems like everyone conspired to schedule everything for June 10. It made me sorry I could not go in five different directions and be one traveler, to paraphrase Frost.

There was Markos' convention in Las Vegas. I'm not sure I would have gone all the way out to Vegas just for that, but then again, participants included (to name a few) Sen. Minority Leader Harry Reid, Sen. Barbara Boxer, Gen. Wesley Clark, Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, Ambassador Joseph Wilson, and of course, Markos himself. I did manage to catch Markos' appearance on Meet the Press.

Closer to home, there was the Chicago Cares volunteer event on Saturday. Even though I'm somewhat doubtful about how much good the program does, I participated last year (and wrote about it here). But not this year.

Midsommarfest, the Andersonville neighborhood's annual street fair, was this last weekend, but I was out of town. Missed the whole thing. I also missed the local cat shelter's "Stray Cat Strut" walk-a-thon on Saturday morning. It must have been damp and chilly, but the weather wouldn't have deterred me.

These are some of the things I could have done this past weekend, but I'm only one traveler, and where I chose to travel was to the Tampa Bay area for my cousin's Bar Mitzvah. There I met some of my cousins from Argentina for the first time, which was cool. I'll write about the trip some more in a future entry.


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