Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Five and a half years ago, near the corner of Broadway and Wellington, I heard a meow... a loud and plaintive meow from across the street. I crossed the street to investigate, and a dirty orange and white cat came up to me and rubbed up against my leg.

I took him home, intending to foster him long enough to find him a permanent home. To reinforce this idea, I named him Guest. One of my coworkers took him and renamed him Grendel, after the terrible monster from the epic of Beowulf. The name fit him; he was a rambunctious, in-your-face kind of cat who quite often, unfortunately, expressed his frustrations by spraying urine.


I was pleased that I had found someone who was tolerant of Grendel's idiosyncrasies, although I can't say the spraying didn't bother my coworker. He would tell me that Grendel was such a great cat... If only...

Today when I arrived at the office, I found an e-mail from Grendel's human waiting for me. He's moving to California this week, and his wife, being less tolerant of the spraying, wouldn't let Grendel come with. My coworker only had a couple days to find a new home for him -- would I mind taking him back?

So Grendel is once again... my Guest.


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