Sunday, October 30, 2005

Week in review: Band concert

(Week in review)

Last night was the Buffalo Grove Symphonic Band's fall concert, one of two formal concerts we do each year. I was having trouble getting interested in the music, and rehearsals were pretty shaky up until the last two weeks, so I was getting a little nervous. But the concert went really well. I think we played better in the concert than in any of the rehearsals.

As usual, I forgot to pick up a program. Here is what I remember of the program:
Polka and Fugue from Schwanda the Bagpiper by Jaromir Weinberger
Selections from the movie Beauty and the Beast
An American In Paris by George Gershwin
Selections from Les Miserables by Claude-Michel Schonberg
Selections from The Merry Widow by Franz Lehar
Selections from Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Weber
Les Preludes by Franz Liszt (a.k.a. theme from Flash Gordon)
Perpetuum Mobile by J. Strauss Jr. (as an encore)

I might have forgotten something. If I did, I'll update the list later.


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