Sunday, February 27, 2005

Senn H.S. hearing next Monday : Updated

Though I wish it weren't so, it's been decided... The Department of Defense and the Chicago Public Schools plan to convert a portion of Nicholas Senn High School (5900 N. Glenwood) into a military academy.

So I'm not entirely clear as to the purpose of the meeting this coming Monday. It's been described to me as the "Alderman's Committee meeting." At the very least, it gives people in the community an opportunity to learn more about the project. If you care about this issue, be there at Senn at 6:30pm, Monday, February 28. Room is TBD -- maybe signs will be posted.

update 2/25/05: I corrected the school's address from 5800 to 5900. I'm still waiting to get confirmation on the time and location of the meeting.

update 2/27/05: Time and location confirmed! And I bumped the entry back up to the top of the page.


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