Saturday, February 26, 2005

Murray's Auto Supply: Zoning

This could be nothing. But there's a request for a zoning change for the shopping center at 5200-5250 N. Broadway. This also includes Dr. Wax, GNC, and Pizzeria Aroma on Berwyn.


To classify as B3-2 General Retail District, instead of B4-3 Restricted Service District, the area bounded by
West Berwyn Avenue; North Broadway Avenue; West Foster Avenue; the public alley next west and parallel to North Broadway Avenue

(Map 13-G) 5200-50 North Broadway Avenue

I'm not sure what to make of this. Does the owner of the property have plans to develop something on the site? Or is the zoning change only intended to match the zoning with the existing use? What is B4-3, anyway? I can't find it in the Chicago zoning code.

I suspect this is just to correct an error in the zoning map to match what is already built. Looking at the code, it appears that the "dash" number means the same thing regardless of the "B" number. So just as B1-2 is medium sized retail, no taller than 4 stories, B3-2 would be a medium sized shopping mall, no taller than 4 stories. And that's what's there now.


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