Thursday, May 17, 2007

Have they lost their minds?

I missed the latest Republican debate, but saw some pretty hair-raising clips afterward. Some of these candidates still look a little psychologically traumatized by 9/11, and that's not a good quality in a commander in chief. When asked how aggressively he'd interrogate a hypothetical group of terrorism suspects, Giuliani said the interrogators should use "every method they could think of." But not torture. But every method they could think of. But not torture. It reminded me of George Tenet's recent 60 Minutes interview where he spoke of using "enhanced interrogation techniques." Tenet would not deny that waterboarding was employed, but in his words: "Lalalalalala! We do not torture! Lalalalalalala!" (OK, I made the lalala part up.)

But Giuliani has nothing on Mitt Romney when it comes to disregard for the U.S. Constitution. Not only does he want to keep Guantanamo open, he would like to see it doubled in capacity, and he wouldn't extend to detainees any access to lawyers and due process. Habeas corpus is for wimps! Oh yeah... he's also a fan of "enhanced interrogation techniques" (unlike Giuliani, he asks for it by name!) -- but not torture. Lalalalalalala!


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