Thursday, March 29, 2007

Calatrava Spire, if that's what you want to call it

Earlier this week, updated designs were unveiled for Santiago Calatrava's gigantic Chicago skyscraper. The Calatrava Spire, according to the current plan, will twist more dramatically than Calatrava's Turning Torso building in Sweden, and previous versions of the Spire have been compared to drill bits and birthday cake candles. Early designs were topped by a tapering needle; later ones widened the top to accommodate more floor space. Now the design calls for a rounded dome. Which suggests a different comparison. I won't be the one to say what that is, but maybe the reader will be interested in a blurb I wrote a while back about Barcelona's La Torre Agbar.

The white-haired poet said that Chicago was the city of big shoulders. If the Calatrava spire gets built, we'll have to amend that to "city of big spires" (wink wink). But aside from the resemblance to a certain body part, there is much reason for concern. Most worrisome is its gargantuan size. At 2,000 feet, it would be more than a third taller than the Sears Tower, Chicago's current tallest building. From an aesthetic point of view, the Calatrava spire will transform a harmonious skyline, which prominently features a building that actually has shoulders, into one that is dominated by a single, oversized column.

From a functional standpoint, its size might be an even greater liability. Early designs called for a mixed-use building (a good thing), including a hotel on the lower floors. But the economics didn't work. The developers (Shelbourne) decided it needed more residential condominium units, which eventually displaced all other uses (a bad thing). What was once expected to be a 500-unit building is now designed for 1,300 very expensive units. To fill this one building, they'd have to absorb 0.1% of the city's population.

We might expect problems with too many people and too many cars and ask: where is the benefit to the public domain? Yes, the developers have committed to redevelop DuSable Park immediately to the east of the proposed building. But the park is across the Outer Drive from the Spire, and if they build it, will they come? Green space does not, by itself, attract visitors. This harks back to an old vision of cities that was popular two or three generations ago. The modern city would be vertical, separated from the ground. And the vertical towers would be separated from each other by a spaghetti bowl of expressway ramps, and beneath them would be acres of green grass. Maybe the inhabitants of this city would even wear white coveralls and orange-tinted goggles -- that would be cool. But people don't live like that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark I am not sure I agree with your "harmonious skyline" statement. Although I have read many others who have applied the same language to the argument that this proposed building damages the Chicago's current skyline. I am struck by the thought that we are arguing over a modification to a found object. While I think it is a relevant interpretation of the current skyline. I am however bothered by the fact that no single group of people really intentionally designed it to be that way. I guess I am just not so bothered by this new weed in the garden. I kind of feel it is a far better solution visually than the once proposed high def TV antena, of the same location.

4/02/2007 08:32:00 PM  
Blogger Mark M said...

Scott-- It's interesting that you use the term "found object," which is usually applied to everyday items (often garbage) made into art. Why does it bother you that no single group of people intentionally designed the skyline? I would be bothered if it were intentionally designed, because it is usually a cabal of centralized planners, sitting in their ivory tower (spire?), who will tend to order monstrosities to be built. Better the city should be built organically, with buildings built to (a) satisfy the economics of its construction, (b) fulfill an economic need for the uses the building will support, and (c) provide some public good. These factors will generally result in buildings of similar scale being built near each other. But if one building is not like the others... maybe it just doesn't belong.

By the way, there never were plans to put a TV antenna on the Calatrava site. The antenna was a totally unrelated project, and it was proposed for a different site about 2 blocks north. I agree that was a bad idea.

4/03/2007 08:58:00 PM  

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