Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Governator's bad day

Back in May I nearly collided with Arnold Schwarzenegger on Michigan Avenue. I later found out what he was doing in town and wrote about it. A few weeks later, he paid Chicago another visit, and I wrote about that, too.

I'm not sure about the purpose of Arnold's second trip, but on his first trip, it was reported that he had raised $3 million for his ballot initiatives. The money likely came from conservative business interests -- like this Heartland group I've written about. (N.B. I have no data on who contributed what.)

Arnold spent more than $7 million of his own money, plus millions more that he'd raised, to promote his initiatives. Just running the election cost California taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

Not one of his ballot initiatives passed in yesterday's elections. Not one. I hope he at least enjoyed his stay in Chicago.


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