Saturday, March 26, 2005


Looking down the "previous posts" lists, I notice I've been writing quite a bit about social justice issues. Heavy stuff. I need a break from that.

One of my guilty pleasures lately is Homestar Runner. (Note how it has a welcome page!) You'll need a fairly good computer and a high speed internet connection to fully appreciate this site.

Homestar Runner is a site created by a couple of guys, "The Brothers Chaps," who do a lot of cool stuff with Macromedia Flash. I think it's a full time job for them, financed by revenues from the Homestar Runner store, where you can get your very own Trogdor T-shirt. (Trogdor the Burninator is a dragon created by another character named Strong Bad.) That a lot of time is put into it is evident by the quality of the work.

Last week, the Brothers Chaps released a new Flash-based game that is, as usual, a work of genius: Stinkoman 20X6! If, back in the late '80s, you never had the opportunity to play on a Sega or a Nintendo system, now you can see what you missed, and you don't even need to shell out the bucks for the game controller and cartridges. Back when I was in college, my roommate had a Sega system, and the look and feel of this Stinkoman game is dead on. It even has the bad English translations!


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