Monday, August 28, 2006

Food and beverages

Last summer I lamented the closing of Cafe Boost, which had been the only place in my neighborhood where I could get Homer's ice cream. Recently, however, I found that I can get my Homer's fix even closer to home. Coffee Chicago, at the corner of Berwyn and Broadway, started selling Homer's ice cream sometime around July, and there's still a little bit of summer left to enjoy it.

The espresso machine at work broke down last week. We called the repairman, but there was nothing he could do. The machine was designed for 6,000 shots of espresso, and we had dispensed an incredible 70,000 in just 18 months. When word got out that it had made its last cup, panic quickly spread throughout the office. This was the sort of crisis, however, that even management could readily comprehend, and they sprang into action. This afternoon our shiny, new WMF 1400 arrived. It makes espresso, cappuccino, hot chocolate, and any combination of these you can think of, and all is once again as it should be.


Blogger dad-e~O said...

mmmm coffee, a faovorite bevvy, when booze is unavailable

9/21/2006 10:38:00 PM  

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