NewsHour to cover Senn (and other news)
The other night, I attended a meeting of the Save Senn coalition, a group of Edgewater community members opposed to the military academy. The issue, I find out, is starting to attract some attention in the media -- and it's about time! I hear The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, in early May, is planning to do a story about the militarization of America's youth. They are interested in what is happening at Senn, and they might even give Senn its own story, featuring some members of the Save Senn coalition.
One other issue that came up in the meeting... Last fall, when Save Senn first organized, they created a web site. I won't even link to it here, because it's not a very good one, and it hasn't been updated at all this year. Since a site with incomplete or incorrect information is worse than no web site at all, it was decided that it will be taken down. The coalition hopes to replace it with a new and improved site. Some potential resources have been identified for developing a site, but if those fall through, Save Senn will be looking for a web developer willing to work for pizza crusts or less.
On a related topic, I will give some credit to the Chicago Tribune for their article last Sunday about Section 9528 of NCLB. People are starting to learn more about the opt out provision, and there is even legislation pending in the US House that would amend NCLB so that the military would not be given access to students' information without their permission.
It struck me that the double meaning of this posting's title might not be clear. Yes, it was intentional, but I think maybe I was being too clever. (1) The posting contains other news besides the item about the NewsHour. (2) The NewsHour will cover other news besides Senn.
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