Saturday, July 09, 2005


I was hoping that the 2006 YearlyKos Convention would be held in Chicago, but Las Vegas was selected instead. Had Chicago been chosen, it would have been a good opportunity to see Markos for the first time in at least a dozen years. Now I have to decide if I want to take a trip to Las Vegas in June.

There was an interesting development on his website last week. Markos allows registered users to create their own diaries on his site, making it like a blog of blogs. In the wake of the London bombings, some of the diarists were irresponsibly spouting all sorts of wild conjecture, and Markos just didn't want anything to do with it. So he deleted the diaries and banned their authors from the site. There was some concern that he might have cast too wide a net. But I think Markos did the right thing.

Odd bit of trivia: You can rearrange the letters in Markos' name to spell: "So it's Mark Maslov." But for the record, we're not the same person. (Just trying to ward off any wild conjecture.)


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